☰ Prof.dr. Horia F. Pop - Publications
Leading forums: papers
Journals: Web of Science (Science Citation Index Expanded)
Sârbu, C., Dumitrescu, D., and Pop, H. F.
Optimum selection and combination of solvent systems in thin layer
cromatography using the fuzzy sets theory.
Revista de Chimie 44, 5 (1993), 450--459.
Dumitrescu, D., Sârbu, C., and Pop, H. F.
A fuzzy divisive hierarchical clustering algorithm for the optimal
choice of set of solvent systems.
Analytical Letters 27, 5 (1994).
Dumitrescu, D., Pop, H. F., and Sârbu, C.
Fuzzy hierarchical cross-classification of Greek muds.
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 35
(1995), 851--857.
Pop, H. F., Dumitrescu, D., and Sârbu, C.
A study of Roman pottery (terra sigillata) using hierarchical fuzzy
Analytica Chimica Acta 310, 2 (1995), 269--279.
Dumitrescu, D., and Pop, H. F.
Convex decomposition of fuzzy partitions, I.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 73, 3 (1995), 365--376.
ISSN 0165-0114.
Sârbu, C., Horowitz, O., and Pop, H. F.
Fuzzy cross-classification of the chemical elements, based both on
their physical, chemical and structural features.
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 36, 6
(1996), 1098--1108.
Pop, H. F., Sârbu, C., Horowitz, O., and Dumitrescu, D.
A fuzzy classification of the chemical elements.
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 36, 3
(1996), 465--482.
Pop, H. F., and Sârbu, C.
A new fuzzy regression algorithm.
Analytical Chemistry 68, 5 (1996), 771--778.
Sârbu, C., and Pop, H. F.
Fuzzy regression. ii: Outliers cases.
Revista de Chimie 48, 10--11 (1997), 888--891.
Pop, H. F., and Sârbu, C.
Fuzzy regression. i: The heteroskedastic case.
Revista de Chimie 48, 8 (1997), 732--737.
Pop, H. F., and Sârbu, C.
The fuzzy hierarchical cross-clustering algorithm. Improvements and
Comparative study.
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 37, 3
(1997), 510--516.
Dumitrescu, D., and Pop, H. F.
Convex decomposition of fuzzy partitions, II.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 96, 1 (1998), 111--118.
ISSN 0165-0114.
Horowitz, O., Pop, H. F., and Sârbu, C.
Recognition of the forms applied to chemical elements.
Revista de Chimie 51, 1 (2000), 17--29.
Cundari, T. R., Deng, J., Pop, H. F., and Sârbu, C.
Structural analysis of transition metal Beta-X substituent
interactions. Towards the use of soft computing methods for catalyst
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 40, 4
(2000), 1052--1061.
Sârbu, C., and Pop, H. F.
Fuzzy clustering analysis of the first 10 MEIC chemicals.
Chemosphere 40, 5 (2000), 513--520.
Sârbu, C., and Pop, H. F.
Fuzzy robust estimation of central location.
Talanta 54 (2001), 125--130.
Sârbu, C., and Pop, H. F.
Fuzzy classification and comparison of some Romanian and American
MATCH --- Communications in Mathematical and in Computer
Chemistry 44 (October 2001), 387--400.
Cundari, T. R., Sârbu, C., and Pop, H. F.
Robust Fuzzy Principal Component Analysis (FPCA). a
comparative study concerning interaction of carbon-hydrogen bonds with
molybdenum-oxo bonds.
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 42, 6
(2002), 1363--1369.
Sârbu, C., and Pop, H. F.
Fuzzy soft-computing methods and their applications in chemistry.
In Reviews in Computational Chemistry, K. B. Lipkowitz,
R. Larter, and T. R. Cundari, Eds., vol. 20. VCH Publishers, New York, 2004,
pp. 249--332.
ISBN 0-471-44525-8.
Sârbu, C., and Pop, H. F.
Principal Component Analysis versus Fuzzy Principal
Component Analysis. A case study: The quality of Danube water
Talanta 65 (2005), 1215--1220.
Sarbu, C., Pop, H. F., Elekes, R. S., and Covaci, G.
Intelligent disease identification based on discriminant analysis.
Revista de Chimie 59, 11 (2008), 1237--1241.
Pop, H. F., Einax, J. W., and Sârbu, C.
Classical and fuzzy principal component analysis of some
environmental samples concerning the pollution with heavy metals.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 97, 1 (2009),
Pop, H. F., and Sârbu, C.
A new fuzzy discriminant analysis method.
MATCH --- Communications in Mathematical and in Computer
Chemistry 69, 2 (2013), 391--412.
Pop, H. F., Sârbu, C., Stefănescu, A., Bizo, A., and Pop,
T. L.
Prognostic factors in liver failure in children by discriminant
analysis of clinical data. A chemometric approach.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Chemia 60, 2 (2015),
Simion, I. M., Pop, H. F., and Sârbu, C.
Spectrophotometric characterization of Roumanian medicinal herbs
assisted by robust chemometrics expertise.
Revue Roumaine de Chimie 63, 5-6 (2018), 489--496.
Guidea, A., Găceanu, R. D., Pop, H. F., and Sârbu, C.
Mineral waters classification using fuzzy linear discriminant
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Chemia 65, 2 (2020),
Simion, I. M., Mot, A.-C., Găceanu, R. D., Pop, H. F., and Sârbu,
Characterization and classification of medicinal plant extracts
according to their antioxidant activity using high-performance liquid
chromatography and multivariate analysis.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Chemia 65, 1 (2020),
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
Trace 1, 2x2 matrices over principal ideal domains are exchange.
Carpathian J. of Math. 36, 3 (2020), 393--401.
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
Jacobson's lemma fails for nil-clean 2x2 integral matrices.
Anal. St. Univ. Ovidius Cta., Series Math. 28, 3 (2020),
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
Are nil-clean 3x3 integral matrices, exchange?
Anal. St. Univ. Al. I. Cuza, Series Math. 67, 2 (2021),
Pop, H. F., and Sârbu, C.
A powerful supervised fuzzy method. Characterization,
authentication and traceability of Roman pottery.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Chemia 67, 1 (2022),
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
On stable range one matrices.
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 65 (113), 3 (2022),
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
Negative clean rings.
Anal. St. Univ. Ovidius Cta., Series Math. 30, 2 (2022),
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
2-products of idempotent by nilpotent matrices.
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 50, 4 (2024), 61.
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
An idempotent not conjugate with its complementary idempotent.
Anal. St. Univ. Al. I. Cuza, Series Math. 71, 1 (2025), To
Călugăreanu, G., Pop, H. F., and Vasiu, A.
Matrix invertible extensions over commutative rings. Part II:
Determinant liftability.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications (2025).
To appear.
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
On square stable range one matrices over commutative rings.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (2025).
To appear.
Călugăreanu, G., Pop, H. F., and Vasiu, A.
Matrix invertible extensions over commutative rings. Part I: General
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 229, 1 (2025), 107852.
Journals: Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index)
Pop, H. F.
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2014 (by Mircea Pitici).
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Mathematica 59, 3
(2014), 393--394.
(Book review).
Găceanu, R. D., and Pop, H. F.
Medical procedure breaches detection using a fuzzy clustering
Open Computer Science 4, 3 (2014), 127--140.
Pop, H. F.
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2015 (by Mircea Pitici).
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Mathematica 61, 1
(2016), 123--124.
(Book review).
Szederjesi-Dragomir, A., Găceanu, R. D., Pop, H. F., and Sârbu,
Experiments on rough sets clustering with different similarity
IPSI BgD Transactions on Internet Research 16, 2 (2020),
Găceanu, R. D., Szederjesi-Dragomir, A., Pop, H. F., and Sârbu,
ABARC: An agent-based rough-sets clustering algorithm.
Intelligent Systems with Applications 16 (2022), 200117.
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
On idempotent stable range 1 matrices.
Special Matrices 10, 1 (2022), 251--257.
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
On the equation a2x=a in unital rings.
International Electronic Journal of Algebra 37 (2024).
Published online 4/11/2024.
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
Idempotents which are products of two nilpotents.
Special Matrices 12, 1 (2024), 20240004.
Journals: Scopus
Pop, H. F., Pop, T. L., and Sârbu, C.
Assessment of heart disease using fuzzy classification techniques.
The Scientific World Journal 1 (2001), 369--390.
ISSN 1537-744X.
Conferences: Web of Science (Conference Proceedings Citation Index)
Frentiu, M., and Pop, H. F.
Tracking mistakes in software measurement using fuzzy data analysis.
In 4-th International Conference RoEduNet Romania (Sovata,
Târgu-Mures, Romania, May 20--22 2005), pp. 150--157.
Organized by the Romanian Education Network RoEduNet and the Petru
Maior University, Târgu-Mures. ISBN 973-7794-26-5.
Fei, X., Lu, S., Pop, H. F., and Liang, L. R.
GFBA: A genetic fuzzy biclustering algorithm for discovering
value-coherent biclusters.
Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNCS) 4463 (2007), 1--12.
International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications
2007 (ISBRA), May 6--9 2007, Georgia State University, Atlanta. ISBN:
Pop, H. F.
A tutorial on object-orientedness in functional programming.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 5161 (2008),
2-nd Central European Functional Programming Summer School (CEFP),
Revised Selected Lectures, June 23--30 2007, Babes-Bolyai University,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania. ISBN 978-3-540-88058-5.
Vescan, A., Grosan, C., and Pop, H. F.
Evolutionary algorithms for the component selection problem.
In 19-th International Conference on Database and Expert
Systems Applications (DEXA 2008) (Turin, Italy, September 01-05 2008),
Tjoa, AM and Wagner, RR, Ed., 2-nd International Workshop Evolutionary
Techniques in Data Processing, pp. 509--513.
ISBN 978-0-7695-3299-8.
Pop, H. F., and Frentiu, M.
Applications of Principal Components Methods.
In Complexity in Artificial and Natural Systems (Petru
Maior Univ. Târgu-Mures, Romania, November 08--10 2008), Iantovics,
B and Enachescu, C and Filip, F, Ed., pp. 267--270.
International Conference on Complexity and Intelligence of the
Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - Medical Applications of the Complex
Systems Biomedical Computing. ISBN 978-973-7794-76-5.
Pop, H. F., and Frentiu, M.
Applications of Principal Components Methods.
In 2008 Complexity & Intelligence of the Artificial & Natural
Complex Systems, Medical Applications of the Complex Systems, Biomedical
Computing (Petru Maior Univ. Târgu-Mures, Romania, November
08--10 2008), Iantovics, BL and Enachescu, C and Filip, FG, Ed., Romanian
Acad. Bucharest & Petru Maior Univ. Targu-Mures, pp. 103--109.
International Conference on Complexity and Intelligence of the
Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - Medical Applications of the Complex
Systems Biomedical Computing. ISBN 978-1-4244-3937-9.
Pop, H. F., and Frentiu, M.
Effort estimation by analogy based on soft computing methods.
In International Conference Knowledge Engineering Principles and
Techniques (KEPT). Selected Papers (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2009), Cluj
University Press, pp. 239--246.
Serban, C., Vescan, A., and Pop, H. F.
A new component selection algorithm based on metrics and fuzzy
clustering analysis.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS) 5572 (2009),
4-th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence
Systems (HAIS), June 10--12 2009, Salamanca, Spain. ISBN: 978-3-642-02318-7.
Tan, L., Fotouhi, F., Grosky, W., Pop, H. F., and Mouaddib, N.
Improving similarity join algorithms using fuzzy clustering
In IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops 2009
(ICDM Workshops) (Miami, Florida, USA, December 6--9 2009), IEEE Computer
Society, pp. 545--550.
Serban, C., Vescan, A., and Pop, H. F.
A conceptual framework for component-based system metrics definition.
In 9-th RoEduNet IEEE International Conference (Lucian Blaga
University, Sibiu, Romania, June 24--26 2010), IEEE Computer Society,
pp. 73--78.
Miron, A., Ainouz, S., Rogozan, A., Bensrhair, A., and Pop, H. F.
Stereomatching using radiometric invariant measures.
In International Conference Knowledge Engineering Principles and
Techniques (KEPT). Selected Papers (2011), Cluj University Press,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 369--378.
ISSN: 2067-1180.
Găceanu, R. D., and Pop, H. F.
A fuzzy clustering algorithm for dynamic environments.
In International Conference Knowledge Engineering Principles and
Techniques (KEPT). Selected Papers (2011), Cluj University Press,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 119--130.
ISSN: 2067-1180.
Serban, O. M., Pauchet, A., and Pop, H. F.
Recognizing emotions in short text.
In International Conference on Agents and Artificial
Intelligence (ICAART) (Vilamoura, Algrave, Portugal, February 7--8 2012),
J. Filipe and A. Fred, Eds., SciTePress, pp. 477--480.
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9.
Găceanu, R. D., and Pop, H. F.
A parallel clustering approach for hybrid data discovery.
In 12-th International Conference on Informatics, Informatics
2013 (Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia, November 5--7 2013),
V. Novitzká and S. Hudák, Eds., Slovak Society for Applied
Cybernetics and Informatics, pp. 240--246.
Nutu, M., Pop, H. F., Martis, R., and Martis, C.
Principal component analysis for computation of the magnetisation
characteristics of synchronous reluctance machine.
In 110-th AEIT 2018 International Annual Conference (Bari,
Italy, October 3--5 2018), IEEE Publishers, pp. 583--588.
Nutu, M., Pop, H. F., Martis, C., Cosman, S.-I., and Nicorici,
A. M.
A machine learning perspective for order reduction in electrical
motors modeling.
In 2019 21-st International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric
Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC) (Timisoara, Romania,
September 4--7 2019), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 198--205.
Szederjesi-Dragomir, A., Găceanu, R. D., Pop, H. F., and Sârbu,
A comparison study of similarity measures in rough sets clustering.
In 15-th International Conference on Informatics, Informatics
2019 (Poprad, Slovakia, November 20--22 2019), Slovak Society for Applied
Cybernetics and Informatics, pp. 37--42.
Zsigmond, I., Zamfirescu, A., and Pop, H. F.
Automated evaluation and narratives in computer science education.
In 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel
Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2020) (Prague, Czech Republic,
May 5--6 2020), INSTICC, SciTePress, pp. 430--437.
Zsigmond, I., and Pop, H. F.
Linking gamification preferences to personality traits in computer
science education.
In IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Computer
Communication and Processing (ICCP 2021) (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October
28--31 2021), IEEE Computer Society.
Conferences: CORE Conference DB
Foth, K. A., Menzel, W., Pop, H. F., and Schröder, I.
An experiment in incremental parsing using weighted constraints.
In 18-th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
(COLING) (Saarbrücken, Germany, July, 31 -- August, 4 2000),
pp. 1026--1030.
ISBN 1-55860-717-X.
Schröder, I., Pop, H. F., Menzel, W., and Foth, K. A.
Learning grammar weights using genetic algorithms.
In Recent Advances in NLP (RANLP) (Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria,
September 5--7 2001), pp. 235--239.
ISBN 954-90906-1-2.
Boian, F., Boian, R., Vancea, A., and Pop, H. F.
Distance learning and supporting tools at Babes-Bolyai
In Informatics Education Europe Conference (IEE II)
(Thessaloniki, Greece, November 29--30 2007), pp. 332--340.
ISBN: 978-960-89629-3-4.
Călin, A. D., Pop, H. F., and Boian, R.
Improving movement analysis in physical therapy systems based on
kinect interaction.
In British Human Computer Interaction Conference (British HCI
2017) (University of Sunderland, UK, July 3--6 2017), British Computer
Society, pp. 1--5.
Conferences: Scopus
Vescan, A., and Pop, H. F.
Automatic configuration for the component selection problem.
In 5-th International Conference on Soft Computing as
Transdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSTST) (Cergy-Pontoise, France,
October 27--31 2008), ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 479--483.
ISBN 978-1-60558-046-3.
Serban, C., Vescan, A., and Pop, H. F.
A formal model for component-based system assessment.
In 2-nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence,
Modelling and Simulation (CIMSim) (Bali, September 28--30 2010),
pp. 261--266.
Georgescu, V., Pop, H. F., Tudorache, O., Sabău, H., Ciontu, C., and
Strâmbu, V.
Romanian registry on cardiac arrest -- a piece in the puzzle --
romanian contribution in the EuReCA project.
In 10-th Congress of the European Resuscitation Council.
Resuscitation, 81/2010 (Porto, Portugal, December 2--4 2010), J. Nolan,
Ed., Elsevier Publishers, p. S39.
(Short paper / Poster).
Sabău, H., Tudorache, O., Pop, H. F., Georgescu, V., Strâmbu, V.,
Dimitriu, I., Nicolau, M. S., Cimpoesu, D., Borcea, H., and Brânzea,
Joining the EuReCA --- The Romanian Registry on Cardiac Arrest --- a
year later.
In 11-th Congress of the European Resuscitation Council.
Resuscitation, 82/2011 (Valetta, Malta, October 14--15 2011), J. Nolan,
Ed., Elsevier Publishers, p. S19.
(Short paper / Poster).
International: papers
International: journal papers (Studia UBB Informatica)
Dumitrescu, D., and Pop, H. F.
A preliminary bibliography on fuzzy clustering and related fields.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Mathematica 35, 3
(1990), 13--24.
Pop, H. F.
A study of the properties of the Fuzzy Relaxation Algorithm.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Mathematica 39, 3
(1994), 67--74.
Pop, H. F.
Supervised fuzzy classifiers.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Mathematica 40, 3
(1995), 89--100.
Pop, H. F.
SAADI: Software for fuzzy clustering and related fields.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 41, 1
(1996), 69--80.
Pop, H. F.
Improvements of the fuzzy cross-clustering algorithm.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 42, 2
(1997), 3--12.
Pop, H. F.
A new regression technique based on fuzzy sets.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 43, 1
(1998), 3--12.
Pop, H. F.
Principal Components Analysis based on a fuzzy sets approach.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 46, 2
(2001), 45--52.
Frentiu, M., and Pop, H. F.
A study of dependence of software attributes using data analysis
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 47, 2
(2002), 53--66.
Frentiu, M., Lazăr, I., and Pop, H. F.
On individual projects in software engineering education.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 48, 2
(2003), 83--94.
Pop, H. F.
Data analysis with fuzzy sets: a short survey.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 49, 2
(2004), 111--122.
Tătar, D., Pop, H. F., Frentiu, M., and Dumitrescu, D.
1-st international conference on knowledge engineering principles and
techniques (KEPT).
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 52, 1
(2007), 3--10.
Tâmbulea, L., and Pop, H. F.
Management of web pages using XML documents.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica Special
Issue (2007), 236--243.
International Conference Knowledge Engineering Principles and
Techniques (KEPT), June 6--8 2007, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania. (MathSciNet).
Pop, H. F., and Frentiu, M.
On software attributes relationship using a new fuzzy
c-bipartitioning method.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica Special
Issue (2007), 219--226.
International Conference Knowledge Engineering Principles and
Techniques (KEPT), June 6--8 2007, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania. (MathSciNet).
Serban, C., and Pop, H. F.
Software quality assessment using a fuzzy clustering approach.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 53, 2
(2008), 27--38.
Vescan, A., and Pop, H. F.
Constraint optimization-based component selection problem.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 53, 2
(2008), 3--14.
Frentiu, M., and Pop, H. F.
Overview of fuzzy methods for effort estimation by analogy.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 1 (2009),
Frentiu, M., and Pop, H. F.
Effort estimation by analogy using a fuzzy clustering approach.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica Special
Issue (2009), 202--205.
International Conference Knowledge Engineering Principles and
Techniques (KEPT), July 2--4 2009, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania. (MathSciNet).
Frentiu, M., and Pop, H. F.
Common mistakes in writing a scientific papers.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 55, 4 (2010),
Miron, A., Ainouz, S., Rogozan, A., Bensrhair, A., and Pop, H. F.
Stereomatching using radiometric invariant measures.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 56, 3 (2011),
Găceanu, R. D., and Pop, H. F.
A context-aware asm-based clustering algorithm.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 56, 2 (2011),
Găceanu, R. D., and Pop, H. F.
An incremental approach to the set covering problem.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 57, 2 (2012),
Găceanu, R. D., Pop, H. F., and Sotoc, S. A.
An agent based approach for parallel constraint verification.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 58, 3 (2013),
Coroiu, A. M., Găceanu, R. D., and Pop, H. F.
Discovering patterns in data using ordinal data analysis.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 61, 1
(2016), 78--93.
Serban, C., Vescan, A., and Pop, H. F.
Preliminary measurements in identifying design flaws.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica 62, 1
(2017), 60--74.
International: journal papers
Pop, F., Pop, H. F., and Beu, D.
Interior Lighting Design --- computer programs for calculus and
graphic representation.
Acta Technica Napocensis, Constructii - Arhitectură
35 (1992), 99--109.
(Index Copernicus, EBSCO).
Chindris, M., Colosi, T., and Pop, H. F.
On the numerical modeling and simulation of the control system for a
medium frequency static converter.
Acta Electrotehnica Napocensis 39, 1 (1998), 51--56.
(Referativnyi Zhurnal).
Schröder, I., Pop, H. F., Menzel, W., and Foth, K. A.
Learning the constraints weights of a dependency grammar using
genetic algorithms.
In Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimisation and Control
with Applications to Industrial Problems. CIMNE, Barcelona, 2002,
pp. 243--247.
Series: Theory and engineering applications of computational methods.
ISBN: 84-89925-97-6.
Pop, H. F.
Development of robust fuzzy regression techniques using a fuzzy
clustering approach.
Pure Mathematics and Applications 14, 3 (2004), 221--232.
Tâmbulea, L., and Pop, H. F.
Cooperative model for web sites authoring.
Annals of the Tiberiu Popoviciu Seminar Supplement:
International Workshop in Collaborative Systems (2006), 329--336.
ISSN 1584-4536. (MathSciNet).
Pop, H. F., and Pop, L. G.
Education for engineering students: The case of logic.
Annals of the University of Craiova - Electrical Engineering
31 (2007), 259--264.
6-th International Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems
(SIELMEN 2007), October 4--6 2007, Technical University of Moldova,
Chisinău. (Index Copernicus).
Serban, C., Vescan, A., and Pop, H. F.
Component selection based on fuzzy clustering analysis.
Creative Mathematics and Informatics 17, 3 (2008), 505--510.
Pop, F., and Pop, H. F.
Residential energy efficient lighting.
Acta Electrotechnica Napocensis Special Issue (2008),
2-nd International Conference on Modern Power Systems MPS 2008,
November 12--14 , 2008. Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania, Technical
University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. ISSN 1224-2497 (Referativnyi Zhurnal).
Pop, H. F., and Frentiu, M.
Fuzzy clustering in software engineering.
Analele Universitătii de Vest, Timisoara, Seria
Matematică-Informatică 46, 2 (2008), 123--131.
Pop, H. F., and Frentiu, M.
Fuzzy data analysis for software metrics assessment of student
In Topics in Mathematics, Computer Science and Philosophy. A
Festschrift for Wolfgang W. Breckner on his 65-th Anniversary
(Cluj-Napoca, 2008), Stefan Cobzas, Ed., Presa Universitară
Clujeană, pp. 23--32.
Puscă, M. V., Pop, H. F., Roman, M. N., and Iancu, V.
Processing ECG data using multivariate data analysis.
Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists - Science and
Technology of Information 3, 2 (2010), 23--38.
Găceanu, R. D., and Pop, H. F.
A fuzzy incremental clustering approach to hybrid data discovery.
Acta Electrotehnica et Informatica 12, 2 (2012), 16--23.
Vescan, A., and Pop, H. F.
Automatic criteria-based configuration for the component selection
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and
Industrial Management Applications 4 (2012), 641--647.
(IET Inspec).
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
On zero determinant matrices that are full.
Math. Pannon. 27, 2 (2021), 81--88.
International: conference papers
Dumitrescu, D., Lowy, D. A., Oniciu, L., Kiss-Szetsi, S., and Pop, H. F.
Propionitrile electrosynthesis. pattern recognition in the evaluation
of gas-chromatographic data.
In 41-st Meeting of International Society of Electrochemistry
(Prague, August 20--25 1990), pp. 58--59.
Pop, H. F., and Dumitrescu, D.
Fuzzy hierarchical clustering with adaptive prototypes.
In BUFSA'90, 2-nd International Symposium on Fuzzy Partitions
(Iasi, October 24--27 1990).
Dumitrescu, D., Lowy, D. A., Oniciu, L., and Pop, H. F.
Classification procedure for selectivity control in acrylonitrile
In 42-nd Meeting of International Society of Electrochemistry
(Montreux, 1991).
Pop, F., and Pop, H. F.
L.I.D. --- computer programs for lighting installations design.
In C.I.E. Seminar of Computer Programs for Light and Lighting
(Vienna, Austria, October 5--9 1992), p. 80.
Publ. No. CIE x005. ISBN 3-900-734-41-0.
Lowy, D. A., Dumitrescu, D., Oniciu, L., Pop, H. F., and Kiss-Szetsi, S.
Classification procedure for selectivity control in acrylonitrile
In 7-th International Forum Process Analytical Chemistry
(Process Analysis & Control) - IFPAC-SM (Houston (Galveston), Texas,
January 26--27 1993).
Abstract no. 35.
Pop, F., and Pop, H. F.
I.E.L.D. --- Interior and Exterior Lighting Design,
computer programs for didactic activities.
In 2-nd European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting RIGHT
LIGHT (Arnhem, The Netherlands, September 26--29 1993), pp. 666--672.
Lowy, D. A., Dumitrescu, D., Pop, H. F., and Oniciu, L.
Mathematical methods for quality control in propionitrile
In 8-th International Forum Process Analytical Chemistry
(Process Analysis & Control) - IFPAC-SM (Houston (Montgomery), Texas,
January 24--26 1994).
Chindris, M., Colosi, T., and Pop, H. F.
On the numerical modeling and simulation of the control system for a
medium frequency static converter.
In First International Symposium on Mathematical Models in
Automation and Robotics, MMAR'94 (Miedzyzdroje, Poland, September 1--3
1994), pp. 181--186.
Dumitrescu, D., and Pop, H. F.
Algorithms for convex decomposition of finite fuzzy partitions.
In BUFSA'94, Third BUFSA Conference on Fuzzy Logic and
Artificial Intelligence (Bucharest, October 27--29 1994).
Boian, F. M., Pop, H. F., Iurian, S., Iurian, M., and Vancea, A.
The Unix environment at the Babes-Bolyai University.
In 2-nd International Conference on Open Systems ROSE'94,
Technical Sessions (Bucharest, Romania, November, 3--5 1994),
pp. 145--149.
Pop, F., Beu, D., Pop, H. F., and Moca, M.
Practical aspects of lighting quality / Refurbishment and
modernization of lighting installations using energy efficient systems.
In C.I.E. Expert Symposium '94 on Advances in Photometry ---
Lighting Quality and Energy Conservation (Vienna, Austria, December 1--3
1994), pp. 165--170.
ISBN 3-900-734-61-5.
Boian, F. M., Vancea, A., and Pop, H. F.
Teaching parallel and distributed computing.
In 3-rd International Conference on Open Systems ROSE'95,
Technical Sessions (Bucharest, Romania, November, 1--4 1995), pp. 66--74.
Pop, H. F.
Development of robust fuzzy regression techniques using a fuzzy
clustering approach.
In 4-th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science
(Felix-Oradea, Romania, June 5--10 2001), pp. 5--7.
Jointly organized by Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj and Eötvös
Loránd University, Budapest.
Schröder, I., Pop, H. F., Menzel, W., and Foth, K. A.
Learning the constraints weights of a dependency grammar using
genetic algorithms.
In Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimisation and Control
with Applications to Industrial Problems (EUROGEN 2001) (Athens, Greece,
September 19--21 2001), pp. 49.1--49.2.
Pop, M., Pop, H. F., and Pop, F.
LQ -- A toolkit for lighting quality evaluation.
In ILUMINAT 2003 International Conference (Commision
Internationale de l'Eclairage -- Comitetul National Român de
Iluminat) (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 8--9 2003), pp. 40.1--40.5.
ISBN 973-9357-44-X.
Orban, S., Pop, H. F., and Pop, F.
Chromaticity in architectural lighting -- A luminous environment
In ILUMINAT 2003 International Conference (Commision
Internationale de l'Eclairage -- Comitetul National Român de
Iluminat) (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 8--9 2003), pp. 38.1--38.4.
ISBN 973-9357-44-X.
Pop, F., Orban, S., and Pop, H. F.
Integration of the architectural lighting on the environment.
In International Conference CONSTRUCTIONS 2003 (Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, May 16--17 2003), pp. 407--410.
ISBN 973-9350-87-9, 973-9350-90-9.
Pop, H. F., Munteanu, A., and Pop, F.
A fuzzy clustering approach of optimal evaluation criteria for
electric network distribution systems.
In Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, Inter-Ing 2003 Scientific
Conference with International Participation, Volume II (Petru Maior
University, Târgu-Mures, Romania, November 6--7 2003), pp. 293--298.
Dumitrescu, D., Sas, L., Serban, G., Câmpan, A.,
Dărăbant, A. S., Pop, H. F., and Tâmbulea, L.
Cooperative learning for distributed data mining.
In Collaborative Support Systems in Business and Education,
International Workshop (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 28--29 2005),
pp. 432--440.
Pop, M., Pop, H. F., and Pop, F.
Appraisal of indoor lighting systems quality.
In 4-th Conference BalkanLight 2008 (October 7--10 2008),
Lighting Engineering Society of Slovenia, pp. 165--172.
ISBN 978-961-248-127-8.
Vescan, A., and Pop, H. F.
The component selection problem as a constraint optimization problem.
In Software Engineering Techniques in Progress. 3-rd IFIP TC2
Central and East European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques
(CEE-SET 2008) (Wroclaw, Poland, October 13--15 2008), Wroclaw University
of Technology, pp. 208--211.
Găceanu, R. D., and Pop, H. F.
An adaptive fuzzy agent clustering algorithm for search engines.
In 8-th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science
MaCS 2010, Selected papers (Komarno, Slovakia, July 14--17 2010), H. F.
Pop and A. Bege, Eds., Novadat LTD Publishers, pp. 185--196.
Găceanu, R. D., and Pop, H. F.
An incremental asm-based fuzzy clustering algorithm.
In Proceedings of the 11-th International Conference on
Informatics, Informatics 2011 (Rožňava, Slovakia, November 16--18
2011), V. Novitzká and S. Hudák, Eds., Slovak Society for Applied
Cybernetics and Informatics, pp. 198--204.
International: book reviews
Pop, H. F.
Scientific Data Analysis, An Introduction to Overdetermined Systems
(by R. L. Branham Jr.).
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Survey (1990).
(Book review).
Pop, H. F.
Applications of Category Theory to Fuzzy Subsets (by S. E.
Rodabaugh, E. P. Klement, U. Hohle).
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Survey (1991).
(Book review).
Pop, H. F.
Mathematical Approaches to Brain Functioning Diagnostics (by I.
Dvorak, A. V. Holden).
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Survey (1991).
(Book review).
Pop, H. F.
Cellular Automata, Dynamical Systems and Neural Networks (by Eric
Goles, Servet Martinez, Eds.).
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Survey (1994).
(Book review).
Pop, H. F.
Constructing Mathematical Knowledge: Epistemology and Mathematical
Education (by Paul Ernest, Ed.).
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Survey (1994).
(Book review).
Pop, H. F.
Neural Networks in Telecommunications (by Ben Yuhas, Nirwan Ansari,
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Survey (1994).
(Book review).
Pop, H. F.
Logic and Structure (by Dirk van Dalen).
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Survey (1994).
(Book review).
Pop, H. F.
Fundamentals of Uncertainty Calculi with Applications to Fuzzy
Inference (by Michel Grabisch, Hung T. Nguyen, Elbert A. Walker).
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Survey (1995).
(Book review).
Pop, H. F.
Mathematics and Computer Science II: Algorithms, Trees,
Combinatorics and Probabilities (by Brigitte Chauvin, Philippe Flajolet,
Danièle Gardy, Abdelkader Mokkadem, Eds.).
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Survey (2002).
(Book review).
National: papers
National: journal papers
Pop, F., and Pop, H. F.
Programe de calcul pentru instalatiile electrice ale
clădirilor (software for electrical installations in buildings).
Instalatii în Constructii 1, 3--4--5 (1990),
Pop, H. F., and Dumitrescu, D.
Fuzzy hierarchical classification with adaptive prototypes.
Fuzzy Systems & A.I. Magazine 1, 1 (1991), 17--20.
Pop, F., and Pop, H. F.
Aspecte actuale privind proiectarea asistată de calculator a
sistemelor de iluminat electrice (actual aspects concerning the computer
assisted design of electrical lighting systems).
Energetica 41, 2-B (March--April 1993), 60--66.
Dumitrescu, D., and Pop, H. F.
Algorithms for convex decomposition of finite fuzzy partitions.
Fuzzy Systems & A.I. Magazine 4, 2--3 (1995), 5--12.
Pop, H. F.
The future of Computer Science in the current context of the
Romanian society.
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
Science, Research Seminars, Seminar on Computer Science, Preprint 42, 2
(1997), 7--10.
Pop, H. F.
Using ActiveX technologies for providing Internet accessibility
to existing computational applications.
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
Science, Research Seminars, Seminar on Computer Science, Preprint 43, 2
(1998), 1--14.
Frentiu, M., Dumitrescu, D., Pârv, B., Tâmbulea, L., and
Pop, H. F.
Algoritmi utili existenti în reteaua
universitătii (useful algorithms existing in the university computer
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
Science, Research Seminars, Seminar on Computer Science, Preprint 44, 2
(1999), 111--122.
Pop, H. F.
Reteaua Internet, mijloc de comunicare si sursă de
informare (internet, communication medium and information source).
Ingineria Iluminatului 1 (1999), 29--34.
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Tempus-Phare CME-03551-97
Program. ISSN 1454-5837.
Pop, H. F., and Pop, F.
LSD --- Lighting Systems Design --- un program pentru
proiectarea sistemelor de iluminat (LSD --- Lighting Systems Design
--- software for designing of lighting systems).
Ingineria Iluminatului 4 (2000), 74--79.
Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca, Tempus-Phare CME-03551-97
Program. ISSN 1454-5837.
Frentiu, M., and Pop, H. F.
A study of licence examination results using fuzzy clustering
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
Science, Research Seminars, Seminar on Computer Science, Preprint (2001),
Pop, F., Pop, H. F., and Orban, S.
Architectural lighting, chromaticity and environment.
Ingineria Iluminatului 12 (2003), 13--18.
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Tempus-Phare CME-03551-97
Program. ISSN 1454-5837.
Pop, H. F., and Pop, L. G.
Scientific education: the logic denominator.
Didactica Mathematica (Formerly Proceedings of the National
Seminar Didactica Matematicii) 25, 2 (2007), 75--84.
Pop, M., Pop, H. F., and Pop, F.
Appraisal of indoor lighting systems quality.
Ingineria Iluminatului 22 (2008), 37--48.
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, ISSN 1454-5837.
Pop, F., Pop, H. F., Beu, D., and Ciugudean, C.
Iluminat eficient energetic în locuinte.
Revista Română de Informatică si Automatică
18, 3 (2008), 101--112.
ISSN 1220-1758.
National: conference papers
Pop, H. F., and Musatescu, S.
Program de identificare a obiectelor pe baza unei multimi de
atribute asociate (program of objects identification based on the set of
associated attributes).
In Buletin de Informare Tehnică (Busteni, August
1988), pp. 127--129.
Pop, H. F.
Implementarea unor metode de clasificare ierarhică cu multimi
nuantate (implementation of some methods of hierarchical clustering with
fuzzy sets).
In Buletin de Informare Tehnică (Sinaia, August 1989).
Pop, F., and Pop, H. F.
Aplicatii privind proiectarea asistată de calculator a
bilanturilor energetice (applications concerning the computer aided
design of the energetical balance sheets).
In Simpozionul Instalatii pentru constructii si
confort ambiental (Timisoara, April 2--3 1992), pp. 299--302.
Sârbu, C., and Pop, H. F.
Applications of Fuzzy Clustering in Chemistry.
In Anniversary conference - 50 years of the Faculty of
Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering of Timisoara
(Politechnic University of Timisoara, October 29--30 1998).
Pop, H. F., and Sârbu, C.
Theoretical approach of Fuzzy Clustering for Chemistry.
In Anniversary conference - 50 years of the Faculty of
Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering of Timisoara
(Politechnic University of Timisoara, October 29--30 1998).
Geantă, M., Pop, H. F., and Gladwin, R.
Echilibre în solutii apoase. Programe vizuale sub Delphi
(Equilibria in water solutions. Visual programs in Delphi).
In Anniversary conference - 50 years of the Faculty of
Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering of Timisoara
(Politechnic University of Timisoara, October 29--30 1998).
Pop, H. F., and Frentiu, M.
Detecting mistakes in students measurement projects.
In Colocviul Academic Clujean de Informatică
(Cluj-Napoca, June 1-2 2005), pp. 105--110.
Tâmbulea, L., and Pop, H. F.
A formal approach of web sites management.
In Zilele Academice Clujene (Cluj-Napoca, July 5 2006),
pp. 66--72.
Coroiu, A. M., Găceanu, R. D., and Pop, H. F.
Ordinal data analysis using agglomerative clustering algorithms.
In Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques 2015, Book of
Abstracts (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 2 2015), M. Frentiu, H. F. Pop,
and S. Motogna, Eds., Babes-Bolyai University, pp. 240--246.
National: symposium presentations
Pop, H. F., and Dumitrescu, D.
Clasificare în bazele de cunostinte si formarea
conceptelor (classification in knowledge basis and in formation of concepts
In Al 13-lea Simpozion National de Conducere si
Informatică, CONDINF (Cluj-Napoca, June 1989).
Dumitrescu, D., Lazarovici, G., and Pop, H. F.
Fuzzy clustering în arheologie (fuzzy clustering in
In Simpozionul de Informatică Aplicată în
stiintele Socio-Umane (Cluj-Napoca, September 1989).
Pop, H. F., and Sosa, D.
Program de calcul pentru stabilirea necesarului de căldură
(computer program for establishing the necessary of heat).
In Simpozionul stiintific de Constructii Climaterice
si Balneare (Oradea, October 27--28 1989).
Dumitrescu, D., Lazarovici, G., and Pop, H. F.
Aplicatii ale clasificării multidimensionale în
arheologie (applications of the multidimensional clustering in archaeology).
In Al 3-lea Simpozion National de Arheometrie
(Cluj-Napoca, June 14--15 1990).
Paki, A., and Pop, H. F.
Baze de date pentru clasificarea si datarea inscriptiilor
(databases for clustering and dating of inscriptions).
In Al 4-lea Simpozion National de Arheometrie
(Cluj-Napoca, September 19--20 1991).
Medelet, F., and Pop, H. F.
Clasificarea nuantată a descoperirilor monetare din epoca
Latene în Banat (fuzzy clustering of monetary discoveries of latene
epoque in Banat).
In Al 4-lea Simpozion National de Arheometrie
(Cluj-Napoca, September 19--20 1991).
Pop, H. F., and Dumitrescu, D.
Problema validitătii claselor (cluster validity problem).
In Zilele Academice Clujene - Simpozionul Informatica si
Aplicatiile Sale (Cluj-Napoca, October 14--19 1991).
Pop, F., Beu, D., and Pop, H. F.
Reprezentarea computerizată a planurilor de instalatii
In Zilele Academice Clujene - Simpozionul Progresele în
stiintele Tehnice (Cluj-Napoca, 12--17 Octombrie 1992).
Dumitrescu, D., and Pop, H. F.
Clasificare nuantată calitativă în arheologie
(qualitative fuzzy clustering in archaeology).
In Al 5-lea Simpozion National de Arheometrie
(Cluj-Napoca, March 27--28 1992).
Dumitrescu, D., and Pop, H. F.
Algoritmi de clasificare adaptivă (adaptive clustering
In Zilele Academice Clujene - Simpozionul Informatica si
Aplicatiile Sale (Cluj-Napoca, October 12--17 1992).
Dumitrescu, D., and Pop, H. F.
O nouă clasă de algoritmi de instruire folosind retele
neuronale (a new class of training algorithms using neural networks).
In Zilele Academice Clujene - Simpozionul Informatica si
Aplicatiile Sale (Cluj-Napoca, October 25--30 1993).
Pop, H. F., and Dumitrescu, D.
Algoritmi pentru descompunerea convexă a partitiilor
nuantate finite (algorithms for convex decomposition of finite fuzzy
In Zilele Academice Clujene - Simpozionul Informatica si
Aplicatiile Sale (Cluj-Napoca, October 17--29 1994).
Pop, H. F.
Clasificatori nuantati supervizati (supervised fuzzy
In Zilele Academice Clujene - Simpozionul Informatica si
Aplicatiile Sale (Cluj-Napoca, October 17--29 1994).
Pop, H. F.
Algoritmul de regresie nuantată (the fuzzy regression
In Zilele Academice Clujene - Simpozionul Informatica si
Aplicatiile Sale (Cluj-Napoca, October 26--37 1995).
Books, course notes
Frentiu, M., ..., Pop, H. F., et al.
Programare Pascal. Programe ilustrative. Probleme propuse
(Pascal Programming. Illustrative Programs. Proposed Problems).
Editura Promedia Plus, Cluj-Napoca, 1995.
16 chapters, 228 pages. Personal contribution: chapter 11, 19 pages.
ISBN 973-96862-1-4.
Kása, Z., and Pop, H. F.
Comunicare în Internet (Communication in Internet).
Editura Albastră, Cluj-Napoca, 1997.
130 pages. ISBN 973-9215-63-7.
Pop, F., ..., Pop, H. F., et al.
Managementul Instalatiilor de Iluminat --- Curs
postuniversitar (The Management of Lighting Installations --- Postgraduate
Editura Mediamira, Cluj-Napoca, 1998.
12 chapters, 210 pages. Personal contribution: Chapter 11, Internet
si accesul la informatie (Internet and the access to information),
pp. 140--148. ISBN 973-9358-27-6.
Blaga, P. A., and Pop, H. F.
Editura Tehnică, Bucuresti, 1999.
364 pages. ISBN 973-31-1290-5.
Horowitz, O., Sârbu, C., and Pop, H. F.
Clasificarea Ratională a Elementelor Chimice.
Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 2000.
258 pagini. ISBN 973-35-1006-8.
Pop, H. F., and Serban, G.
Programare în Inteligenta Artificială --
Limbajele Lisp si Prolog (Programming in Artificial
Intelligence -- Lisp and Prolog Languages).
Editura Albastră, Cluj-Napoca, 2003.
178 pages. 1-st Ed. (2003), 2-nd Ed. (2004). ISBN 973-650-104-3.
Pop, H. F.
Sisteme Inteligente în Probleme de Clasificare (Intelligent
Systems in Classification Problems).
Editura Mediamira, Cluj-Napoca, 2004.
183 pages. ISBN 973-0-03718-3.
Serban, G., and Pop, H. F.
Tehnici de Inteligentă Artificială. Abordări
Bazate pe Agenti Inteligenti (Artificial Intelligence Techniques.
Intelligent Agents Approaches).
Editura Mediamira, Cluj-Napoca, 2004.
144 pagini. ISBN 973-0-03717-5.
Sârbu, C., and Pop, H. F.
Fuzzy soft-computing methods and their applications in chemistry.
In Reviews in Computational Chemistry, K. B. Lipkowitz,
R. Larter, and T. R. Cundari, Eds., vol. 20. VCH Publishers, New York, 2004,
pp. 249--332.
ISBN 0-471-44525-8.
Frentiu, M., Pop, H. F., and Serban, G.
Programming Fundamentals.
Cluj University Press, 2006.
232 pag.
Frentiu, M., and Pop, H. F.
Fundamentals of Programming.
Cluj University Press, 2006.
220 pag. ISBN 973-610-453-2.
Serban, G., and Pop, H. F.
Elemente Avansate de Programare în Lisp si Prolog.
Aplicatii în Inteligenta Artificială (Advanced Elements of
Programming in Lisp and Prolog. Applications in Artificial Intelligence).
Editura Albastră, Cluj-Napoca, 2006.
270 pages. ISBN 973-650-172-8.
Czibula, G., and Pop, H. F.
Elemente Avansate de Programare în Lisp si Prolog.
Aplicatii în Inteligenta Artificială (Advanced Elements of
Programming in Lisp and Prolog. Applications in Artificial Intelligence),
2 ed.
Editura Albastră, Cluj-Napoca, 2012.
270 pages.
Didactical notes for courses
Pop, F., Gârbu, A., Moca, M., Costea, V., Catană, D., and Pop,
H. F.
Proiectarea Instalatiilor Electrice de Joasă Tensiune
(Designing of the Low-Voltage Electrical Installations).
Institutul Politehnic, Cluj-Napoca, 1990.
16 chapters, 4 appendices, 334 pages. Personal contribution: Chapter
15, Programe de calcul pentru instalatii electrice (Software for
Electrical Installations), 24 pages.
Frentiu, M., ..., Pop, H. F., et al.
Bazele Informaticii, Culegere de Probleme (The Basis of Computer
Science, Problem Book).
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 1992.
16 chapters, 187 pages. Personal contribution: chapter 11, 20 pages.
Pop, H. F.
Programare Functională si Logică (Functional and
Logic Programming ).
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 1998.
149 pages.
Kása, Z., and Pop, H. F.
Retele de Calculatoare II (Computer Networks II).
Centrul de Formare Continuă si Învătământ la
Distantă, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, 1999.
130 pages.
Pop, H. F.
Inteligentă Artificială -- Note de curs
(Artificial Intelligence -- Lecture notes ).
Centrul de Formare Continuă si Învătământ la
Distantă, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, 1999.
1-st Ed. (180 pages).
Pop, H. F., and Serban, G.
Inteligentă Artificială -- Note de curs (Artificial
Intelligence -- Lecture notes).
Centrul de Formare Continuă si Învătământ la
Distantă, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, 2000.
2-nd Ed. (2000, 210 pages), 3-rd Ed. (2001, 223 pages), 4-th Ed.
(2002, 190 pages), 5-th. Ed. (2003, 190 pages).
Other materials
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
Exchange 2x2 matrices over principal ideal domains, a
Preprint (2019).
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
A nil-clean matrix example improved by computer.
Preprint (2021).
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
A 3x3 nilpotent matris of index 3 which has unit stable range one.
Preprint (2021).
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
Unipotent-regular matrices and rings.
Preprint (2023).
Călugăreanu, G., and Pop, H. F.
A zero determinant 2x2 matrix which has not stable range one.
Preprint (2023).
Călugăreanu, G., Pop, H. F., and Vasiu, A.
Matrix invertible extensions over commutative rings. Part III:
Hermite rings.
arXiv (2024).
ID 2405.01234.
Călugăreanu, G., Pop, H. F., and Vasiu, A.
Matrix invertible extensions over commutative rings. Part II:
determinant liftability.
arXiv (2024).
ID 2404.17656.
Calugareanu, G., Pop, H. F., and Vasiu, A.
On matrix invertible extensions over commutative rings.
arXiv (2024).
ID 2303.08413.
Technical reports
Pop, H. F.
Îndrumar de utilizare LATEX (LATEX users' memo).
Department of Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University,
Cluj-Napoca, June 1993.
Small series.
Pop, H. F.
A short introduction to SunOS.
Tech. Rep. TR-HH-7-99, Natural Language Division, Department of
Computer Science, University of Hamburg, June 1999.
Pop, H. F.
Developing software: programming for what?
Tech. Rep. TR-HH-6-99, Natural Language Research Group, Department of
Computer Science, University of Hamburg, June 1999.
Pop, H. F.
Fuzzy Clustering --- selected papers.
Tech. Rep. , Natural Language Division, Department of Computer
Science, University of Hamburg, November 1999.
Pop, H. F.
A Soft-Computing approach to NLP.
Tech. Rep. , Natural Language Division, Department of Computer
Science, University of Hamburg, May 2000.
Pop, H. F.
Self-Organizing Map in text mining.
Tech. Rep. , Natural Language Division, Department of Computer
Science, University of Hamburg, June 2000.
Pop, H. F.
A short introduction to MacOS.
Tech. Rep. , Natural Language Division, Department of Computer
Science, University of Hamburg, July 2000.
Pop, H. F.
SADIC for wxWidgets --- System for Automatic Data
Investigation and Classification, 2012--2016.
Software for characteristics reduction, fuzzy clustering, fuzzy
regression, fuzzy training, fuzzy cross-classification and multivariate fuzzy
analysis, available under Windows, Unix/Linux, MacOS.
Pop, H. F.
SADIC for wxWindows --- System for Automatic Data
Investigation and Classification, 1999--2011.
Software for characteristics reduction, fuzzy clustering, fuzzy
regression, fuzzy training, fuzzy cross-classification and multivariate fuzzy
analysis, available under Windows, Unix/Linux, MacOS.
Pop, H. F.
SAADIW --- System for Automatic Analysis of Data and for
their Interpretation, 1996--1998.
Software for characteristics reduction, fuzzy clustering, fuzzy
regression, fuzzy training and fuzzy cross-classification. Available under
Pop, H. F.
HPTEX --- MS-DOS Turbo-Vision like text editor with a
user-friendly LATEX interface, 1994--1995.
Pop, H. F.
LIGHT --- Software package for interior and exterior lighting
design, 1994--1995.
Pop, H. F.
SAADI --- System for Automatic Analysis of Data and for
their Interpretation, 1991--1995.
Software for characteristics reduction, fuzzy clustering, fuzzy
regression, fuzzy training and fuzzy cross-classification. Available under
Pop, H. F.
Software Package for Design and Analysis of Low Voltage
Electrical Installations, 1990--1994.
Pop, H. F.
HPTEXW --- Windows text editor with a user-friendly LATEX
interface, 1995.
Pop, H. F., and Geantă, M.
CHAN --- Didactical demonstrative software package for
applications of Analytical Chemistry, 1998.
© Prof.dr. Horia F. Pop