Prof.dr. Horia F. Pop - Recognition


2013: "I had completed my Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering from India and was looking for a Master’s which would help me solidify my skills in Computer Simulation, I felt that Mathematical Modeling was something I liked as it combined engineering/science based ideas with mathematical/computer science related concepts. The Master’s Curriculum had, in my opinion, an ideal mix of Mathematics courses along with Informatics. As a result of my Master’s studies and my interdisciplinary background, I have received a PhD position at the University of Bonn, Germany in the field of Algorithmic Bioinformatics. I would like to thank all my professors at UBB and especially Prof. Lehel Csato (my supervisor) and Prof. Horia Pop (my Master’s coordinator). In the end I can say that studying at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics was academically a very enriching experience."

Ashar Ahmad
Graduate of the M.Sc. program in Modeling and Simulation
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj, December 2013

2013: "Comisia a apreciat că potenţialul de creştere a lui Horia Pop este mai mare şi, spune cineva care este aproape din aceeaşi zonă, el continuă munca în domeniul Soft Computing în care noi, românii, am avut nişte precursori, pe academicianul Moisil, pe profesorul Virgil Negoiţă. Şi, mai mult, lucrările sale nu sunt pur teoretice, lucrările sale au vizat un spectru foarte larg de aplicaţii, începând de la medicină, chimie, analiza textului, aceasta din urmă într-o zonă care este foarte efervescentă în prezent, folosirea inteligenţei artificiale în analiza volumelor mari de date. Pentru toate acestea profesorul Horia Pop a fost ales şi îi adresăm felicitări."

Acad. Florin Filip, Laudatio
Premiul „Spiru Haret” pentru Educaţie, Mediu şi IT
MLNR şi Academia Română, 21 iunie 2013

2011: "I would also like to thank Dr. Horia F. Pop. His suggestions were a source of inspiration for me and my study. A series of discussions between my advisor, Dr. Farshad Fotouhi, Dr. Bill William Grosky, Dr. Horia F. Pop, and myself helped me prepare for and complete the research detailed in this dissertation."

Lisa Tan
Acknowledgement, PhD Dissertation
Wayne State University, Detroit, 2011

2006: "I am writing this letter to let you know that I think Dr. Pop is an excellent teacher because of his organization and he really makes an attempt to ensure that the students learn. I would like to mention that my undergraduate professor for Algorithms was Dr. Andonie who also was an excellent instructor. I think that going forward the school should first consider Roumanian instructors for the algorithms course. I think the Roumanians were some of the best instructors I encountered in Computer Science."

Joe Peters
Graduate of the M.Sc. program in Computer Science
Wayne State University, Detroit, 7 May 2006

2000: "When I read (and reread) their papers and discuss them with my students, I am often struck by the whimsical image of Mendeleev sitting at a computer, entering his collected elemental properties into the fuzzy classification programs developed by the Cluj team, and assessing the various elemental relationships at different levels of fuzziness! How much sooner would eka-aluminum and other new elements have been isolated had Mendeleev had such tools at his fingertips?"

Prof. Thomas Cundari, University of Memphis
In foreword to the book
Horowitz, Sârbu, Pop, Rational Classification of the Chemical Elements
Dacia Publ. Co, Cluj-Napoca, 2000

National distinctions

Babeș-Bolyai University distinctions

© Prof.dr. Horia F. Pop