Prof.dr. Horia F. Pop - PNCD II PCE Idei 550/2007

Internal scientific reports / 2007

  1. Horia F. Pop, Starea actuala a cercetarii în domeniul metodelor si modelelor de analiza fuzzy a datelor, Raport stiintific
  2. Costel Sârbu, Starea actuala a cercetarii în domeniul metodelor robuste de analiza chemometrica si a aplicatiilor în domeniul chimiei si stiintelor naturii, Raport stiintific
  3. Adrian Darabant, Starea actuala a cercetarii în domeniul achizitiei de date in domeniul medical, Raport stiintific
  4. Alina Câmpan, Starea actuala a cercetarii în domeniul data privacy (protejarea confidentialitatii datelor), Raport stiintific
  5. Andreea Vescan, Sintetizarea cunostintelor în domeniul modelarii formale a sistemelor bazate pe componente, Raport stiintific
  6. Camelia Serban, Metrici pentru evaluarea si îmbunatatirea calitatii proiectarii în sistemele orientate-obiect, Raport stiintific

Papers published or accepted for publication / 2008

  1. C. Sarbu, H.F. Pop, R.S. Elekes, G. Covaci, Intelligent disease identification based on discriminant analysis, Revista de chimie, 59 (11), pp. 1237-1241, 2008 (articol in revista cotata ISI)
  2. H.F. Pop, J.W. Einax, C. Sarbu, Classical and fuzzy principal component analysis of some environmental samples concerning the pollution with heavy metals, Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems, 97, 1 (2009), 25-32 (pe web la 25 iunie 2008; revista cotata ISI)
  3. J. Miller, A. Campan, T.M. Truta, Constrained k-Anonymity: Privacy with Generalization Boundaries, the International Workshop on PracticalPrivacy-Preserving Data Mining, held in conjunction with 2008 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SIAM SDM08), Atlanta, USA, aprilie, 2008, pp. 30-39.
  4. G. Serban, I.G. Czibula A. Campan, Medical Diagnosis Prediction using Relational Association Rules, Theory and Applications of Mathematics and Informatics, Editura Aeternitas Publishing House, Alba Iulia, Editor Daniel Breaz, ISBN 978-973-1890-01-2, pp. 339-352, 2008 (indexat Mathematical Reviews).
  5. T.M. Truta, A. Campan, M. Abrinica, J. Miller, A Comparison between Local and Global Recoding Algorithms for Achieving Microdata p-Sensitive k-Anonymity, Acta Universitatis Apulensis,Alba-Iulia, Romania, Nr 15, pp. 213-233, 2008 (indexat Mathematical Reviews).
  6. M. Pleşa, L. Dărăbant, R. Ciupa, A. Dărăbant, A medical application of electromagnetic fields: the magnetic stimulation of nerve fibers inside a cylindrical tissue, Proceedings of OPTIM 2008, vol I, pg. 87-92, IEEE Catalogue number 08EX1996C, ISBN 1-4244-1545-4, Library of Congress 2007905111 (indexat IEEE/BDI).
  7. L. Dărăbant, M. Pleşa, R. Ciupa, O. Cret, A.S. Dărăbant, Energy Efficient Coils for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Proceedings of Euroem 2008, Lausanne, Elvetia, Abstract publicat peCD-ROM
  8. A. Darabant, Implementing Efficient Data Synchronization for Mobile Wireless Medical Users, in Advances in Applied Computer And Applied Computational Science (ISI, SCOPUS), pp 435-441, 2008 (articol in revista indexata ISI si Scopus)
  9. A. Dărăbant, H. Todoran, Mobile Devices and Data Synchronization Assisting Medical Diagnosis, in WSEAS Transactions on Computers (conferinţă indexată ISI), 2008 (sub tipar).
  10. A. Vescan, C. Grosan, H.F. Pop, Evolutionary Algorithms for the Component Selection Problem, The 2nd International Workshop Evolutionary Techniques in Data Processing, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1529-4188, 2008, p. 509-513 (conferinţă IEEE/ISI)
  11. A. Vescan, H.F. Pop, The Component Selection Problem as a Constraint Optimization Problem, The 3rd IFIP TC2 Central and East European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques CEE-SET 2008, published in Software Engineering Techniques in Progress, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 2008, pag. 203-211 (indexată MathSciNet)
  12. A. Vescan, H.F. Pop, Automatic Configuration for the Component Selection Problem, The First IEEE International Workshop on Autonomous and AutonomicSoftware-Based Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press, IEEE, 2008, (sub tipar; conferinţă indexată IEEE/ISI)
  13. A. Vescan, H.F. Pop, Constraint Optimization-based Component Selection Problem, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, series Informatica, Vol. LIII, 2/2008, pp. 3-14 (indexat MathSciNet)
  14. C. Serban, H.F. Pop, Software Quality Assessment Using a Fuzzy Clustering Approach, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, series Informatica, Vol. LIII, 2/2008, pp. 27-38 (indexat MathSciNet)
  15. C. Şerban, A. Vescan, H.F. Pop, Component Selection based on Fuzzy Clustering Analysis, 6th International Conference on Applied Mathematics (ICAM6), September 18-21, 2008, Baia Mare, Romania, Creative Math&Inf, 17, 3/2008, 505-510. (indexat MathSciNet)

Papers published or accepted for publication / 2009

  1. L. Dărăbant, M. Pleşa, R. Ciupa, A. Dărăbant, Energy Efficient Coils for Magnetic Stimulation of Peripheral Nerves, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 45, pp. 35-38, 2009 (ISI paper)
  2. Creţ, Zs. Mathe, P. Ciobanu, S. Mărginean, A. Dărăbant, A Hardware Algorithm for The Exact Subsequence Matching Problem in DNA Strings, in Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (ROMJIST), 12 (1), pp. 51-67, 2009 (ISI paper)
  3. A.C. Moţ, F. Soponar, D. Casoni, C.S. Cobzac, C. Sârbu, Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination Of Some Food Dyes from Mixture Using Principal Component Regression, Revista de Chimie, Bucureşti, 60 (7), pp. 647-652, 2009 (ISI paper)
  4. A.C. Moţ, F. Soponar, A. Medvedovici, C. Sârbu, Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Aspirin, Paracetamol, Caffeine and Chlorphenamine from Pharmaceutical Formulations Using Multivariate Regression Methods, Analytical Letters, 2009 (ISI paper, accepted for publication)
  5. C Serban, A. Vescan, H.F. Pop, A new Component Selection Algorithm Based on Metrics and Fuzzy Clustering Analysis, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 10 - 12 June, Salamanca, Spain, LNCS Vol. 5572, Corchado, E.; Wu, X.; Oja, E.; Herrero, A.; Baruque, B. (Eds.), ISBN: 978-3-642-02318-7, pp. 621 – 628, 2009 (ISI proceedings paper)
  6. M. Frentiu, H.F. Pop, Overview of fuzzy methods for effort estimation by analogy, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series Informatica 54 (1), pp. 68-74, 2009 (MathSciNet, ZBL)
  7. M. Frentiu, H.F. Pop, Effort estimation by analogy using a fuzzy clustering approach, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series Informatica, Special Issue 2009 (Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques 2009), pag. 202-205, 2009 (MathSciNet, ZBL)
  8. A. Darabant, Clustering Algorithms in OODB Fragmentation - A comparative evaluation, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series Informatica, Special Issue 2009 (Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques 2009), pag. 315-319, 2009 (MathSciNet, ZBL)
  9. C. Chisalita-Cretu, A. Vescan, The multi-objective refactoring selection problem, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series Informatica, Special Issue 2009 (Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques 2009), pag. 249-253, 2009 (MathSciNet, ZBL)
  10. A. Vescan, H.F. Pop, Automatic Criteria-based Configuration for the Component Selection Problem, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research, Vol.5,, 2009, ISSN 0974-1259 (BDI paper, to appear)
  11. C. Serban, High coupling detection using fuzzy clustering analysis, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series Informatica, Special Issue 2009 (Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques 2009), pag. 223-226, 2009 (MathSciNet, ZBL)

Papers published or accepted for publication / 2010

  1. C. Onisor, M. Posa, S. Kevresan, K. Kuhajda, C. Sarbu, Estimation of chromatographic lipophilicity of bile acids and their derivatives by reversed-phase thin layer chromatography, J. Sep. Sci. 2010, 33, 1-9 (isi paper; accepted 21.07.2010)
  2. H.F. Pop, C. Sarbu, A New Fuzzy Discriminant Analysis Method, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2010 (submitted 20.07.2010, accepted for evaluation 05.08.2010)
  3. A. Vescan, C. Serban, H.F. Pop, Construction approaches for component-based systems, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (ROMJIST), 2010 (isi paper; submitted in Sept 2010)
  4. A. Darabant, L. Darabant, Clustering methods in data fragmentation, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (ROMJIST), 2010 (isi paper; submitted in Sept 2010)
  5. C. Serban, A. Vescan, H. F. Pop, A conceptual framework for component-based system metrics definition, 9th RoEduNet International Conference, ISSN: 2068-1038, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-7335-9, pp. 73-78, 24-26 June 2010, Sibiu, Romania (ISI proceedings;
  6. C. Serban, A. Vescan, H. F. Pop, A Formal Model for Component-Based System Assessment, Second international conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, Bali, 28–30 September 2010, 261-266 (IEEE paper)
  7. C. Serban, A conceptual framework for object-oriented design assessment, UKSim 4th European Modelling Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation Pisa, 17 – 19 November 2010. (accepted 2010) (IEEE paper;
  8. M.V. Pusca, H.F. Pop , N.M. Roman, V. Iancu, Processing ECG data using multivariate data analysis, Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Series on Science and Technology of Information, 3 (2) 2010, pp. 23-38 (BDI)
  9. S. Mezei, A. Darabant, A Computer Vision Approach to Object Tracking and Counting, Studia UBB Informatica, 55 (3) 2010, 121-130
  10. B. Bologa, A. Darabant, A Computer Vision Approach to Object Recognition in Medical Optics, Studia UBB Informatica, 55 (3) 2010, 111-120 (CNCSIS B+)
  11. C. Serban, A Formal Approach for OOD Metrics Definition. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems, "Lucian Blaga" University Press, 2009, ISSN: 2067-3965, pages 262-270. (acceptat spre publicare şi aparut dupa predarea anului 2009; (Indexed by Mathematical Review)

© Prof.dr. Horia F. Pop