☰ Prof.dr. Horia F. Pop - PNCD II PCE Idei 550/2007
Internal scientific reports / 2007
- Horia F. Pop, Starea actuala a cercetarii în domeniul metodelor si modelelor de analiza fuzzy a datelor, Raport stiintific
- Costel Sârbu, Starea actuala a cercetarii în domeniul metodelor robuste de analiza chemometrica si a aplicatiilor în domeniul chimiei si stiintelor naturii, Raport stiintific
- Adrian Darabant, Starea actuala a cercetarii în domeniul achizitiei de date in domeniul medical, Raport stiintific
- Alina Câmpan, Starea actuala a cercetarii în domeniul data privacy (protejarea confidentialitatii datelor), Raport stiintific
- Andreea Vescan, Sintetizarea cunostintelor în domeniul modelarii formale a sistemelor bazate pe componente, Raport stiintific
- Camelia Serban, Metrici pentru evaluarea si îmbunatatirea calitatii proiectarii în sistemele orientate-obiect, Raport stiintific
Papers published or accepted for publication / 2008
- C. Sarbu, H.F. Pop, R.S. Elekes, G. Covaci, Intelligent disease identification based on discriminant analysis, Revista de chimie, 59 (11), pp. 1237-1241, 2008 (articol in revista cotata ISI)
- H.F. Pop, J.W. Einax, C. Sarbu, Classical and fuzzy principal component analysis of some environmental samples concerning the pollution with heavy metals, Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems, 97, 1 (2009), 25-32 (pe web la 25 iunie 2008; revista cotata ISI)
- J. Miller, A. Campan, T.M. Truta, Constrained k-Anonymity: Privacy with Generalization Boundaries, the International Workshop on PracticalPrivacy-Preserving Data Mining, held in conjunction with 2008 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SIAM SDM08), Atlanta, USA, aprilie, 2008, pp. 30-39.
- G. Serban, I.G. Czibula A. Campan, Medical Diagnosis Prediction using Relational Association Rules, Theory and Applications of Mathematics and Informatics, Editura Aeternitas Publishing House, Alba Iulia, Editor Daniel Breaz, ISBN 978-973-1890-01-2, pp. 339-352, 2008 (indexat Mathematical Reviews).
- T.M. Truta, A. Campan, M. Abrinica, J. Miller, A Comparison between Local and Global Recoding Algorithms for Achieving Microdata p-Sensitive k-Anonymity, Acta Universitatis Apulensis,Alba-Iulia, Romania, Nr 15, pp. 213-233, 2008 (indexat Mathematical Reviews).
- M. Pleşa, L. Dărăbant, R. Ciupa, A. Dărăbant, A medical application of electromagnetic fields: the magnetic stimulation of nerve fibers inside a cylindrical tissue, Proceedings of OPTIM 2008, vol I, pg. 87-92, IEEE Catalogue number 08EX1996C, ISBN 1-4244-1545-4, Library of Congress 2007905111 (indexat IEEE/BDI).
- L. Dărăbant, M. Pleşa, R. Ciupa, O. Cret, A.S. Dărăbant, Energy Efficient Coils for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Proceedings of Euroem 2008, Lausanne, Elvetia, Abstract publicat peCD-ROM
- A. Darabant, Implementing Efficient Data Synchronization for Mobile Wireless Medical Users, in Advances in Applied Computer And Applied Computational Science (ISI, SCOPUS), pp 435-441, 2008 (articol in revista indexata ISI si Scopus)
- A. Dărăbant, H. Todoran, Mobile Devices and Data Synchronization Assisting Medical Diagnosis, in WSEAS Transactions on Computers (conferinţă indexată ISI), 2008 (sub tipar).
- A. Vescan, C. Grosan, H.F. Pop, Evolutionary Algorithms for the Component Selection Problem, The 2nd International Workshop Evolutionary Techniques in Data Processing, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1529-4188, 2008, p. 509-513 (conferinţă IEEE/ISI)
- A. Vescan, H.F. Pop, The Component Selection Problem as a Constraint Optimization Problem, The 3rd IFIP TC2 Central and East European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques CEE-SET 2008, published in Software Engineering Techniques in Progress, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 2008, pag. 203-211 (indexată MathSciNet)
- A. Vescan, H.F. Pop, Automatic Configuration for the Component Selection Problem, The First IEEE International Workshop on Autonomous and AutonomicSoftware-Based Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press, IEEE, 2008, (sub tipar; conferinţă indexată IEEE/ISI)
- A. Vescan, H.F. Pop, Constraint Optimization-based Component Selection Problem, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, series Informatica, Vol. LIII, 2/2008, pp. 3-14 (indexat MathSciNet)
- C. Serban, H.F. Pop, Software Quality Assessment Using a Fuzzy Clustering Approach, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, series Informatica, Vol. LIII, 2/2008, pp. 27-38 (indexat MathSciNet)
- C. Şerban, A. Vescan, H.F. Pop, Component Selection based on Fuzzy Clustering Analysis, 6th International Conference on Applied Mathematics (ICAM6), September 18-21, 2008, Baia Mare, Romania, Creative Math&Inf, 17, 3/2008, 505-510. (indexat MathSciNet)
Papers published or accepted for publication / 2009
- L. Dărăbant, M. Pleşa, R. Ciupa, A. Dărăbant, Energy Efficient Coils for Magnetic Stimulation of Peripheral Nerves, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 45, pp. 35-38, 2009 (ISI paper)
- Creţ, Zs. Mathe, P. Ciobanu, S. Mărginean, A. Dărăbant, A Hardware Algorithm for The Exact Subsequence Matching Problem in DNA Strings, in Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (ROMJIST), 12 (1), pp. 51-67, 2009 (ISI paper)
- A.C. Moţ, F. Soponar, D. Casoni, C.S. Cobzac, C. Sârbu, Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination Of Some Food Dyes from Mixture Using Principal Component Regression, Revista de Chimie, Bucureşti, 60 (7), pp. 647-652, 2009 (ISI paper)
- A.C. Moţ, F. Soponar, A. Medvedovici, C. Sârbu, Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Aspirin, Paracetamol, Caffeine and Chlorphenamine from Pharmaceutical Formulations Using Multivariate Regression Methods, Analytical Letters, 2009 (ISI paper, accepted for publication)
- C Serban, A. Vescan, H.F. Pop, A new Component Selection Algorithm Based on Metrics and Fuzzy Clustering Analysis, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 10 - 12 June, Salamanca, Spain, LNCS Vol. 5572, Corchado, E.; Wu, X.; Oja, E.; Herrero, A.; Baruque, B. (Eds.), ISBN: 978-3-642-02318-7, pp. 621 – 628, 2009 (ISI proceedings paper)
- M. Frentiu, H.F. Pop, Overview of fuzzy methods for effort estimation by analogy, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series Informatica 54 (1), pp. 68-74, 2009 (MathSciNet, ZBL)
- M. Frentiu, H.F. Pop, Effort estimation by analogy using a fuzzy clustering approach, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series Informatica, Special Issue 2009 (Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques 2009), pag. 202-205, 2009 (MathSciNet, ZBL)
- A. Darabant, Clustering Algorithms in OODB Fragmentation - A comparative evaluation, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series Informatica, Special Issue 2009 (Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques 2009), pag. 315-319, 2009 (MathSciNet, ZBL)
- C. Chisalita-Cretu, A. Vescan, The multi-objective refactoring selection problem, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series Informatica, Special Issue 2009 (Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques 2009), pag. 249-253, 2009 (MathSciNet, ZBL)
- A. Vescan, H.F. Pop, Automatic Criteria-based Configuration for the Component Selection Problem, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research, Vol.5, http://www.ijcir.com, 2009, ISSN 0974-1259 (BDI paper, to appear)
- C. Serban, High coupling detection using fuzzy clustering analysis, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series Informatica, Special Issue 2009 (Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques 2009), pag. 223-226, 2009 (MathSciNet, ZBL)
Papers published or accepted for publication / 2010
- C. Onisor, M. Posa, S. Kevresan, K. Kuhajda, C. Sarbu, Estimation of chromatographic lipophilicity of bile acids and their derivatives by reversed-phase thin layer chromatography, J. Sep. Sci. 2010, 33, 1-9 (isi paper; accepted 21.07.2010)
- H.F. Pop, C. Sarbu, A New Fuzzy Discriminant Analysis Method, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2010 (submitted 20.07.2010, accepted for evaluation 05.08.2010)
- A. Vescan, C. Serban, H.F. Pop, Construction approaches for component-based systems, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (ROMJIST), 2010 (isi paper; submitted in Sept 2010)
- A. Darabant, L. Darabant, Clustering methods in data fragmentation, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (ROMJIST), 2010 (isi paper; submitted in Sept 2010)
- C. Serban, A. Vescan, H. F. Pop, A conceptual framework for component-based system metrics definition, 9th RoEduNet International Conference, ISSN: 2068-1038, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-7335-9, pp. 73-78, 24-26 June 2010, Sibiu, Romania (ISI proceedings; http://roedu2010.ulbsibiu.ro)
- C. Serban, A. Vescan, H. F. Pop, A Formal Model for Component-Based System Assessment, Second international conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, Bali, 28–30 September 2010, 261-266 (IEEE paper)
- C. Serban, A conceptual framework for object-oriented design assessment, UKSim 4th European Modelling Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation Pisa, 17 – 19 November 2010. (accepted 2010) (IEEE paper; http://ems2010.info)
- M.V. Pusca, H.F. Pop , N.M. Roman, V. Iancu, Processing ECG data using multivariate data analysis, Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Series on Science and Technology of Information, 3 (2) 2010, pp. 23-38 (BDI)
- S. Mezei, A. Darabant, A Computer Vision Approach to Object Tracking and Counting, Studia UBB Informatica, 55 (3) 2010, 121-130
- B. Bologa, A. Darabant, A Computer Vision Approach to Object Recognition in Medical Optics, Studia UBB Informatica, 55 (3) 2010, 111-120 (CNCSIS B+)
- C. Serban, A Formal Approach for OOD Metrics Definition. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems, "Lucian Blaga" University Press, 2009, ISSN: 2067-3965, pages 262-270. (acceptat spre publicare şi aparut dupa predarea anului 2009; http://conferences.ulbsibiu.ro/mdis09) (Indexed by Mathematical Review)
© Prof.dr. Horia F. Pop