Prof.dr. Horia F. Pop - PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0917


Sistem pentru gestiunea și analiza inteligentă a datelor medicale în vederea îmbunătățirii strategiilor de răspuns în cazul unor afecțiuni acute și cronice


System for management and intelligent analysis of medical data in order to improve response strategies for acute and chronic diseases


The purpose of this research project is to contribute a software system for the intelligent management and analysis of medical data in order to improve response strategies for acute and chronic diseases. The consortium organized hereby is formed by one team in Computer Science (at Babes- Bolyai University, UBB), one team in hepatitis and liver diseases (at the Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, UMF), and one team in cardiac diseases (at the Romanian Resuscitation Council, CNRR). The structure created by us is natural, as previous scientific contacts existed between both medical teams and the computer science team. The methods the UBB team will research for the core of the software system are three fold: fuzzy logic based methods, very robust and effective (fuzzy clustering, cross-clustering and biclustering, fuzzy linear and non-linear regression, fuzzy PCA, FA, DA); multivariate analysis methods (for instance, various variants of PCA, FA, DA); optimization methods (based on evolutionary computation and neural-fuzzy systems). According to the needs of the working teams, various novel methods may be developed. All the methods will be implemented and used by the UBB team. The other two teams of the consortium will cooperate with further testing and validation, in order to ensure a successful system. The UMF team will deal with non-invasive diagnosis methods for fibrosis in chronic liver diseases and clinical or laboratory parameters as prognostic factors in liver failure. The data sets produced here are mainly numerical in nature, and produced by direct measurement of chemical parameters and tissues. The CNRR team will deal with cardiac arrest treatment. As opposed to the hepatitis data, the cardiac data we will be facing here is of mainly of categorical nature, as is produced by direct observation of the medical personnel. The patients are physically manipulated by the medical personnel. The purpose of the study will be to educate and train medical personnel with respect to using the European Resuscitation Council protocols, and compare the outcome of such procedures against the results of traditional resuscitation practices. Consequently, the current project has the following major objectives:

Echipa de lucru - Working team

Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai

Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie Iuliu Haţieganu, Cluj

Centrul Naţional Român de Resuscitare, Bucureşti

Publicații - Publications

© Prof.dr. Horia F. Pop