☰ Elaboration of the Graduation Thesis
Prof.dr. Horia F. Pop, Email:
- All information on these pages are intended for the students writing their thesis under my supervision.
- For all the other students, the grade responsibility stays with their thesis supervisor.
BSc Syllabi
- Syllabus for BSc Computer Science in English
- Syllabus for BSc Informatică în limba română
MSc Syllabus
- Syllabus for MSc Applied Computational Intelligence
No recordings allowed
- According to the National Education Act (1/2011), the recording of didactical activity by any means is only possible by explicit agreement of the teaching person.
Consequently, no recording of any didactical activity, by any means and on any support, is allowed.
Please verify that you understand the following
- The syllabus is the official syllabus of this course as published on the Faculty web site.
- The work and the deadlines involved.
- The grading scheme involved.
- All the work has to be submitted by email.
- There are no classroom regular meetings.
- Students are encouraged to contact me by email with issues on this activity.
- Attendance is not required. Doing the work in time is required.
Helpful notes
Progress reports split-up
- DOC/DOCX format progress reports should be prepared and delivered as scheduled. The progress report will include an analysis of the activity performed in the relevant time frame.
- Have in mind that this course is part of the final semester, with a length of 12 weeks, and the last day of the semester is the Friday of the 12-th week.
- The grading will be finalised on that day. This does not mean the thesis to be final by the end of the 12-th week, but that the process of elaboration of the thesis is continuous and documented accordingly.
- From the point of view of submissions, the week ends Friday at 6pm, as specified in the reports' deadlines.
- According to the syllabus, the submission delay penalties are of 1 (one) point per (part of) calendar week; holiday weeks inside the semester do not count.
- Report 1: title, table of contents, plan of activity, motivation; deadline week 4, Friday, 6pm.
- Report 2: bibliographical documentation, sources relevance and fitness to report structure, state-of-the-art; deadline week 6, Friday, 6pm.
- Report 3: first draft of the report; deadline week 8, Friday, 6pm.
- Report 4: full text of the report; deadline week 10, Friday, 6pm.
- Defense: report defense essay; deadline week 12, Friday, 6pm.
- Each report has to be uploaded as separate DOC/DOCX file with appropriate name via this submission form. The reports will be named as follows:
- r1-studentname.DOCX
- r2-studentname.DOCX
- r3-studentname.DOCX
- r4-studentname.DOCX
- defense-studentname.DOCX
Report 1: Title and table of contents
A report will be prepared, to include the following:
- The title of the research.
- A refined table of contents of the research. A simple list of entries will not be enough.
- A few paragraphs explaining the intended working plan.
Report 2: Bibliographical documentation
A report will be prepared to include a list of the bibliography entries relevant to the research. For any reference, the report should include a brief summary of the paper, and an evaluation of the importance and the place the said reference has in the economy of the research. A state-of-the-art study has to be performed as part of this research phase.
Report 3: First draft of the report
The first draft of the report will be be prepared. The contents will have to match the title and the requirements of a research project. At this phase the report will include a preliminary version of the theoretical study and a preliminary setup of the intended experimentation.
Report 4: Full text of the report
The final text of the report will be be prepared. The contents will have to match the title and the requirements of a research project. Any report not satisfying these requirements will be rejected.
Report defense
The report defense consists of a 1000 words introspective essay with an analysis of the activity the student has performed for completing all the assignments, in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The essay will have to cover the following:
- challenges;
- strengths: strong/positive points, benefits, what the student learned during the research, etc;
- weaknesses: difficulties encountered, limitations/drawbacks, the things that did not work as expected, results below expectations, etc;
- opportunities: possibilities for improvement, progress, etc;
- threats: risks involved, how they were overcome;
- impact of the work.
Grading scheme
- 10% - Report 1
- 20% - Report 2
- 20% - Report 3
- 30% - Report 4
- 20% - Report defense
Final grades
- The grades given by the thesis supervisor will be communicated formally to the tutor before the end of the semester.
- The final grade will be made available in Academic Info and will be visible in the temporary grades area.
Resit session
- In order to have access to the resit session all interested students will confirm their intention via email no later than the previous Sunday early morning.
- All the files not yet submitted can be submitted with the same deadline.
- Any file sent for evaluation will be assessed according to the submission delay and penalised as such.
- No documents resubmission is allowed.
© Prof.dr. Horia F. Pop